Australian Open 2010 to be held in Hobart
The Hobart Real Tennis Club is to play host for the 2010 Australian Open Mens and Womens singles and doubles in late January. From the ARTA Chair of Tennis, Alistair Curley: The 2010 Australian Open...
View ArticleAustralian Open 2010 admission prices released
Admission prices for the 2010 Australian Open have been released. For all the details, go to the Aus Open page here.
View ArticlePanasonic TV Competition
As part of the Australian Open fundraising the Tennis club is giving you the chance to win a Panasonic Viera 32″ LCD TV!!! There are 100 raffle tickets available at $10 each. Tickets are already...
View ArticleThe Draw for Aus Open 2010 and match results
Here are the finalised draws for both mens and womens singles and doubles: 2010 AUSTRALIAN OPEN MEN’S SINGLES draw 2010 AUSTRALIAN OPEN WOMEN’S SINGLES draw 2010 AUSTRALIAN OPEN MENS DOUBLES draw 2010...
View ArticleRegal support for the Australian Open
Chivas Regal Whiskey is providing sponsorship to the Real Tennis 2010 Australian Open being held in Hobart this week. This generous package includes donated prizes for the winner and runner up in each...
View ArticleAustralian Open – all the updates here!
The first official event of the Australian Open 2010 carnival, the Pro-Am, was held in Hobart on Sunday January 24th. A fantastic dinner the night before, catered for the by super chefs Biz and Ian...
View ArticleAustralian Open Doubles Semi Finals
First match for the day: Mike Happell and Jeremy Rackham versus Chris Chapman and Kieran Booth. Right from the start it was apparent that Chapman and Booth were intent on targeting Happell’s...
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